Monetize Your Unique Magic
SISU Journey
Season 2 Episode 3 Jetty: Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Season 2 Episode 3 Jetty: Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

In this episode of the SISU Journey Podcast, Jetty Nieuwenhuis talks about feeling comfortable being uncomfortable. Stay tuned to learn how resilience can help you enjoy life a little more and how the Emotional Freedom Technique might build resilience the same it did for Jetty.


About Jetty Nieuwenhuis:

Jetty’s pronouns are she/her. Jetty Nieuwenhuis is a speaker, model, and wellness advocate. As CEO of Trujetty, she uses her personal stories of invisible illness — bulimia, Lyme Disease, and depression — to help women wake up from a life on autopilot and unapologetically go after their desires.

Rebelling against the perfectly curated influencer image, complete with unattainable standards, she focuses on the real contradictions of life, like fashion over 40, beauty without the heavy edit, and having enough while still wanting more. Jetty is an IAWP Health/Wellness coach, holds certifications in makeup artistry and image consulting, and has successfully completed two Ironmans.


Connect with Jetty!






Have you ever wondered why traditional goal-setting feels rigid and clunky and seems to fizzle right off, sometimes before it even starts? Have you gotten frustrated about your list of unaccomplished dreams?

Maybe it’s not you, maybe it’s how you have learned to set goals that isn’t meshing with your individual genius.

Can you imagine how connecting to the identity of an athlete is way more juicy and magical than setting a process goal of going to the gym x number of times a week? 

Join us for a FREE identity-based goal-setting masterclass starting August 23rd. Come to today and sign up on the waitlist, or to book a free chemistry call.

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Monetize Your Unique Magic
SISU Journey
Join me, your host, Helena Lucia, every Thursday as we explore the topic of resilience from diverse points of view and many angles, with lovely guests who generously share their inspiring stories.
The Finnish language has an amazing word Sisu that means resilience in the face of extreme adversity. In this podcast, we decompose the practice of resilience in our guest's lives, and the modalities they use to promote that beautiful resilience.
We will also look at the science behind many of these modalities, as well as offering practical guides on how to test them out in your own life.
Some topics we plan to discuss are meditation, mindfulness, self-compassion, intuitive eating, EFT, bodywork, EMDR, yoga, embodiment, earthing, EMDR, somatic experiencing, therapy, hypnotherapy, polyvagal theory, subconscious programming, sexual healing, alcohol-free living and many more.