Monetize Your Unique Magic
SISU Journey
Season 2 Episode 5 River: Remain Elastic

Season 2 Episode 5 River: Remain Elastic

In this episode of the SISU Journey Podcast, River Drosera talks about remaining elastic. Resilience is more than just overcoming traumatic experiences. Sometimes, it’s all about shaking and dancing! Stay tuned.


About River Drosera:

River’s pronouns are they/them. River is an SSEA Certified Somatic Sex Educator, IASHS Certified Sexological Bodyworker, Tension, and Trauma Release Exercises practitioner, and currently studying Neuro Affective Touch. They have a private practice on Nisenan territory, or so-called Sacramento, CA. Their work is dedicated to supporting the re-integration of the erotic body after trauma with scar tissue remediation, body-centered practices, and the discharging of stuck emotions and chronic tension held in the tissues of the body. River creates a non-judgemental and safe space for queer, trans, non-binary folx, and women to explore their boundaries, desires, and pleasure at their own pace. 

River is also the creator of The Erotic Arts Project, an online and in-person community project that celebrates the creative and erotic body for all people. They believe that celebrating our bodies and desires gives us the freedom to lovingly and joyfully meander around the glorious depths of our erotic and creative worlds.


Connect with River!



Have you ever wondered why traditional goal-setting feels rigid and clunky and seems to fizzle right off, sometimes before it even starts? Have you gotten frustrated about your list of unaccomplished dreams?

Maybe it’s not you, maybe it’s how you have learned to set goals that isn’t meshing with your individual genius.

Can you imagine how connecting to the identity of an athlete is way more juicy and magical than setting a process goal of going to the gym x number of times a week? 

Join us for a FREE identity-based goal-setting masterclass starting August 23rd. Come to today and sign up on the waitlist, or to book a free chemistry call.

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Monetize Your Unique Magic
SISU Journey
Join me, your host, Helena Lucia, every Thursday as we explore the topic of resilience from diverse points of view and many angles, with lovely guests who generously share their inspiring stories.
The Finnish language has an amazing word Sisu that means resilience in the face of extreme adversity. In this podcast, we decompose the practice of resilience in our guest's lives, and the modalities they use to promote that beautiful resilience.
We will also look at the science behind many of these modalities, as well as offering practical guides on how to test them out in your own life.
Some topics we plan to discuss are meditation, mindfulness, self-compassion, intuitive eating, EFT, bodywork, EMDR, yoga, embodiment, earthing, EMDR, somatic experiencing, therapy, hypnotherapy, polyvagal theory, subconscious programming, sexual healing, alcohol-free living and many more.