Monetize Your Unique Magic
SISU Journey
Shulamit Ber Levtov: No Wonder

Shulamit Ber Levtov: No Wonder

Shulamit Ber Levtov is a mindset and resilience consultant who helps women entrepreneurs stay sane as they ride the emotional rollercoaster of running a business. She has over 20 years of experience working in the field of mental health and personal growth, and has logged thousands of hours helping hundreds of women and men recover from stress and trauma. An award-winning entrepreneur and experienced speaker, Shula brings a unique perspective and approach to supporting women in business. She has spoken locally, nationally and internationally, and has been a guest on many podcasts.

Resources discussed on the show: Wheel of Power and Control The Verbally Abusive Relationship book Antiracism daily newsletter Pause on the Play Polyvagal theory books by Deb Dana Focusing as a therapeutic tool

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Monetize Your Unique Magic
SISU Journey
Join me, your host, Helena Lucia, every Thursday as we explore the topic of resilience from diverse points of view and many angles, with lovely guests who generously share their inspiring stories.
The Finnish language has an amazing word Sisu that means resilience in the face of extreme adversity. In this podcast, we decompose the practice of resilience in our guest's lives, and the modalities they use to promote that beautiful resilience.
We will also look at the science behind many of these modalities, as well as offering practical guides on how to test them out in your own life.
Some topics we plan to discuss are meditation, mindfulness, self-compassion, intuitive eating, EFT, bodywork, EMDR, yoga, embodiment, earthing, EMDR, somatic experiencing, therapy, hypnotherapy, polyvagal theory, subconscious programming, sexual healing, alcohol-free living and many more.